Wednesday 11 December 2013

Men do too……

It’s been believed or assumed that women are addicted to soap operas.Well just so you know we have ladies out here who never have time for that stuff.

Anyway that is not my discussion today,it’s the men..they complain a lot that their women are being brainwashed by these “proggies”..who would have thought they watch them too.

Ok you might appear a sissy if you admit before your colleagues,but hey such is life…accept who you are…have fun watching them.

Yes ladies we have men out here who wish you treat like the Alejandro they are,the Carlos Eduardo,etc.Be his Ana Paula and his Lucia once in a while.Guys accept it we wont judge you..its ok to be yourself,everybody else is taken.

Have fun watching Daniel and the lady…oops i just forgot the name of the soap!