Friday 8 February 2013


Many are times we live not knowing thngs will ever take a different turn.Well,thats the cold truth,remember the days you'd fall asleep on the couch and wake up in bed,now you sleep on couch,morning comes and you're stil there.That's change..

 Remember the days your teacher would show u how to hold a pencil,then came the pen,you still got instructions.Now they're computers,they instruct too..that's change. 

Once upon a time,you related so well with your folks,but at some point,they're the last people on earth you wanna spend time with...there's transition there.  

At some point you get to be with people,get so attached and you're tempted to think they're always be there,but for some they walk out of your life,.that's change. 

 Last but not least,in life,there are times u let situations take their course,but at times,u got to decide your fate..that's change........ I think you can now see it,its we who change all through,and this change makes u..

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